วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Karyological Analysis and Morphometrics of Horsfield's Bat,
Myotis horsfieldii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)

 Supanuam, P., Tanomtong, A.Khunsook, S., Kaewsri, S., Pinthong, K. and Sanoamuang, L. 2013. Karyological analysis and morphometries of Horsefield's bat, Myotis horsfieldii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Cytologia 78(1): 15-24. (ISI Impact Factor 2012 = 0.43) [PDF]


            Karyological analysis and morphometrics of Horsfield's bat (Myotis horsfieldii) from Thailand were studied. Blood samples were taken from five male and five female bats. After standard whole blood lymphocytes were cultured at 37􀂛C for 72 h in presence of colchicine, metaphase spreads were performed on microscopic slides and air-dried. Conventional staining and GTG-banding techniques were applied to stain the chromosome. The results showed that the diploid chromosome number of M. horsfieldii was 2n=44, the fundamental number (NF) was 52 in both male and female. The types of autosomes observed were 6 large metacentric, 4 medium telocentric, 2 small metacentric, 2 small submetacentric, and 28 small telocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric chromosome and the Y chromosome was a small acrocentric chromosome. From the GTG-banding technique, the number of bands and location in M. horsfieldii was observed to be 195, and each chromosome pair could be clearly differentiated. Six external morphological characters were measured as well as 13 cranial and dental measurements. The karyotype formula of M. horsfieldii is as follows:
                2n (44)=Lm6+Mt4 +Sm2+Ssm2+St28 +XY

Key words Horsfield's bat, Myotis horsfieldii, Karyotype, Chromosome, Morphometrics
Karyological Analysis and Morphometrics of the Lesser Asiatic House Bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)

 Supanuam, P., Tanomtong, A., Khunsook, S., Pinthong, K. and Sanoamuang, L. 2012. Karyological

analysis and morphometries of the lesser Asiatic house bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Cytologia 77(3): 401-411. (ISI Impact Factor 2012 = 0.43) [PDF]


         Karyological analysis and morphometrics of the lesser Asiatic house bat (Scotophilus kuhlii) from Thailand were studied. Blood samples were taken from 5 male and 5 female bats, lymphocytes were cultured at 37􀂛C for 72 h in presence of colchicine, and metaphase spreads were performed on microscopic slides and air-dried. Conventional staining and GTG-banding techniques were applied to stain the chromosomes. The results showed that the diploid chromosome number of S. kuhlii was 2n=36, and the fundamental number (NF) was 52 in both male and female. The types of autosomes were 6 large metacentric, 4 large submetacentric, 6 large telocentric, 2 medium submetacentric, 10 medium telocentric, 2 small metacentric, and 4 small telocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric chromosome and the Y chromosome was the smallest acrocentric chromosome. The GTG-banding technique, indicated that the number of bands and locations in S. kuhlii was 167, and that each chromosome pair could be clearly differentiated. In addition, a pair of long arms near the centromere of chromosome pair 17 showed clearly observable nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). In terms of morphological measurement, the following measurements were taken 6 external morphological characters as well as 13 cranial and dental characters. The karyotype formula of S. kuhlii was as follows:
          2n (36)=Lm6+ Lsm4 + Lt6 + Msm2 + Mt10 + Sm2+ St4 + XY

Key words: Lesser Asiatic house bat, Scotophilus kuhlii, Karyotype, Morphometrics, GTG-banding

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556


ประวีรณ์ สุพรรณอ่วม และอลงกลด แทนออมทอง. 2552. การศึกษาพันธุศาสตร์เซลล์ของสัตว์ป่าเลี้ยงลูกด้วยนม: ความสำเร็จในอดีตกับความท้าทายในอนาคต. วารสารสัตว์ป่าเมืองไทย 16(1): 18-21. [PDF] (TCI: Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre) 

Tanomtong, A., Khunsook, S., Jantarat, S., Supanuam, P., Kenthao, A. and Kaewsri, S.. 2009.

Standardized karyotype and ideogram of the variable squirrel, Callosciurus finlaysoni bocourti (Milne-Edwards, 1867) by conventional staining technique. Thai Wildlife Journal 16(1): 83-93. [PDF] (TCI: Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre)

         Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the variable squirrel (Callosciurus finlaysoni bocourti) was studied at Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Blood samples were taken from two male and two female variable squirrels. After lymphocyte culture, the mitotic chromosome preparation was accomplished by the hypotonic-air-drying method and conventional Giemsa’s staining technique. The results showed that the number of diploid chromosomes was 2n=40 and the fundamental number (NF) was 78 in both male and female. The autosomes consisted of 4 large metacentric, 4 large submetacentric, 14 large acrocentric, 2 medium telocentric, 4 small metacentric, 6 small acrocentric and 4 small telocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was a medium metacentric chromosome and the Y chromosome was a small metacentric chromosome. A pair of the short arm near centromere of chromosome pairs 14 showed clearly observable secondary constriction (satellite chromosomes). The chromosome marker of the variable squirrelis the chromosome pair 1 which is the largest submetacentric chromosome. The karyotype formula for the variable squirrel is as follows:
                  2n (40) = Lm4+Lsm4+La14+Mt2+Sm4+Sa6 +St4+ sex chromosomes

Tanomtong, A., Jantarat, S., Supanuam, P. and Kaewsri, S. 2008. Standardized karyotype and

ideogram of the Indochinese ground squirrel, Menetes berdmorei (Blyth, 1849) by conventional staining technique. Thai Wildlife Journal 15(1): 80-88. [PDF] (TCI: Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre)


        Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the Indochinese ground squirrel (Menetes berdmorei (Blyth, 1849) at was studied at the Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo, Thailand. Blood samples were taken from two male and two female Indochinese ground squirrels. After lymphocyte culture, the mitotic chromosome preparation was accomplished by hypotonic-air-drying method and conventional Giemsa’s staining technique. The results showed that the number of diploid chromosome was 2n=38 and the fundamental number (NF) was 68 in both female and male. The autosomes consisted of 8 large metacentric, 14 large submetacentric, 2 medium metacentric, 4 small metacentric and 8 small telocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was a medium metacentric chromosome and the Y chromosome was a small metacentric chromosome. The chromosome marker of the Indochinese ground squirrel is the chromosome pair 1 which is the largest metacentric chromosome. The karyotype formula for the Indochinese ground squirrel is as follows: 
                    2n (38) = Lm8+Lsm14+ Mm2+Sm4+St8 + sex chromosomes
Standardized karyotype and idiogram of Thai native swamp buffalo, Bubalus bubalis (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) by convention staining, G-banding, C-banding and NOR-banding techniques

Supanuam, P., Tanomtong, A., Jantarat, S., Kakampuy, W., Kaewsri, S. and Kenthao, A. 2009.
Standardized karyotype and idiogram of Thai native swamp buffalo, Bubalus bubalis (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) by convention staining, G-banding, C-banding and NOR-banding techniques. Thai Journal of Genetics 3(1): 83-93. [PDF] (TCI: Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre)


           Standardized karyotype and idiogram of the Thai native swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) at Khon Kaen University, Thailand, were studied. Blood samples were taken from two male and two female swamp buffaloes. After lymphocyte culture, the mitotic chromosome preparation was accomplished by hypotonic-air-drying method. Conventional staining, G-banding, C-banding and NOR-banding techniques were applied to stain the chromosome. The results showed that diploid number of Thai native swamp buffalo was 2n=48, the fundamental numbers (NF) were 58 in both male and female. The types of autosomes were 4 large metacentric, 4 large acrocentric, 2 small submetacentric and 36 small telocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was large telocentric chromosome and the Y chromosome was the small telocentric chromosome. From G-banding, each chromosome pair appears with distinctively differentiated. C-banding shown C-positive (dark band) on centromere of all telocentric chromosomes but others appeared as C-negative (light band). NOR banding exhibited 6 telocentric chromosome pairs. The karyotype formula of Thai native swamp buffalo was as follows:
                    2n (diploid) 48 = Lm4+ La4+Ssm2+St36 + sex chromosomes

Keywords: chromosome, Thai native swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), karyotype

วันพุธที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The first chromosome characterization of the family Tragulidae 
(Artiodactyla) in Thailand by conventional staining

Bunjongrat, R., Tanomtong, A., Supanuam, P. and Aengwanich, W. 2009. The first chromosome
characterization of the family Tragulidae (Artiodactyla) in Thailand by conventional staining. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 31: 29-34. [PDF] (SCOPUS Database)

         Karyotypes were studied from the family Tragulidae of Thailand, representing a single genus with two species namely; lesser Malay mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) and larger Malay mouse-deer (Tragulus napu). Blood samples were taken from the two species kept in Khoa Kheow Open Zoo, Chonburi province and Songkhla Zoo, Songkhla province, Thailand. After standard whole blood lymphocyte culture in presence of colchicine, the metaphase spreads were performed on microscopic slides and air-dried. Conventional Giemsa’s staining was applied to visualize chromosomes. The karyotype of lesser Malay mouse deer showed that diploid chromosome number was 2n=32 and fundamental numbers (NF) were 64 in both female and male. The autosomes consist of 6 large metacentric, 6 large submetacentric, 14 medium metacentric, 2 submetacentric and 2 small metacentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric chromosome while the Y chromosome was a small metacentric chromosome. For our result, the first karyotypic study of T. napu, the larger Malay mouse-deer, the karyotype shows that diploid chromosome number was 2n=32, and NF were 64 in both female and male. The autosomes consist of 6 large metacentric, 6 large submetacentric, 12 medium metacentric, 2 medium submetacentric, 2 medium acrocentric and 2 small submetacentric chromosomes. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric chromosome while the Y chromosome was the smallest metacentric chromosome.

Keywords: karyotype, Tragulidae, lesser Malay mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus), larger Malay mouse-deer (Tragulus napu)